Monday, January 11, 2010
the ICE ROCK SHOW - mon jan 11, 2010
not so dense- deer tick- war elephant
so far around the bend- the national- dark was the night sampler
california- low- the great destroyer
friends with lofts- netherfriends- calling you out ep
on a highway- animal collective- fall be kind
hideous- pocahaunted- gold miner's daughters
bloody coat- lewis and clarke
down this road- woods- songs of shame
at the pool- grooms- rejoicer
i get (almost) everything i want- the mae shi
postcard- slaraffenland- we're on your side
girlfriend- phoenix- wolfgang amadeus phoenix
ghostwriter- RJD2- deadringer
la la love you - pixies- doolittle
F.I.T.F. #1 - jookabox- dead zone boys
rockers east vancouver- japandriods- post nothing
oh messy life- cap 'n jazz- analphabetapolothology
of leaves falling- book slave- all bad things
summer goth - wavves- wavves
metal bike- japanther- leather wings
better babes - XO skeletons- bored by heaven
color temperature- benefit friends- GRRRRANIMALZ
brian the vampire- xiu xiu
set 'em free- akron/family- set em wild, set em free
don't smoke- mount eerie- black wooden ceiling opening
the password is pelican- ex models- zoo psychology
the afterlife- YACHT- see mystery lights
monkey trick- the jesus lizard- goat
dominate yourself- pissed jeans -king of jeans
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Worst Christmas Songs Everrrrrrrrrrr
Last year counted down the top songs people love to hate. This year: the worst christmas songs of all time. OF ALL TIME!!
1. The Christmas song that gives you step by step directions on how to go grocery shopping. Plus he was probably going to the grocery store because the snow was falling and like most people, was afraid if he didn’t go to the store, he would starve and he would die.
Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling Christmas Eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve…
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried
We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totaled up and bagged
2. I just straight up hate this song! He ruined the words ‘simply’ and ‘having’ forever for me.
3. Of all the Christmas songs about prostitution, this one takes the cake because it’s the only one by a band who is basically an orchestra for a roller disco.
Thank God it's not Christmas
Where there's just you to do
and the rest is closed to public view
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dear God it's Bad! I have to blog about it!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Down With The Sickness
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Better Hope You Make It
If I had a twitter I would that can't be right.
If I had a twitter I would tweet that.
But I don't, so I won't.
this is how heavenly Andrew W.K is. As soon as I found out that he's NOT a former member of Hanson (yeah I don't know why I went through most of my second half of my teenage life thinking that until a couple months ago, but I thought he was the 4th Hanson brother that was the black sheep of the family who rebelled with heavy metal rock but still couldn't escape his bubblegum happy roots), I immedately began to fall and there was no going back. SIGH....I'm hopeless.
Speaking of black sheep I forgot about this.
And if you want 3 other minutes that you can't get back .....
Now my itunes switched to Andrew Bird. Did Noble Beast bore anyone else to sleep because I really feel I am standing alone....
da ba dee
da ba dee
da ba doo
thats all.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wild Hearts
We are a generation of generalizations. When it comes to music, what's post really? What exactly is meant by prog? And then there's the big one. Indie. I never understood how that could be classified as a genre. Plus there's endless variations; no one can entirely agree on one word. Indie pop, rock, etc. Once you add hardcore-electronic-math-dream-experimental-afro-indie folk into the mix, I get so lost. What is it!? It just sounds like music to my ears! AHHHH I HATE DECIDING!

Sometimes I feel the same way about theatre that I do about top 40. There are so many independent theatre companies not on a certain street in New York or anywhere someone desires to hear a story, who put on a professional show without the big name production company which has a hot shot producer to front an endless budget. They work from a grassroots perspective. A sort of Do It Yourself philosophy which allows them to run all aspects of a theatre, acting, directing, lighting, sound, scenic design, etc themselves. The only way to be successful is for creativity to be at it's finest. It's that same gusto for the love of true theatre that drives the independent music scene. Insert any DIY punk band here: (Love is all we need. Except that love isn't really all we need. We need compassion. And we need empathy. And we need love. And we need money or another way to fulfill the BASIC needs we all have.)
I believe Broadway is fantastic. Top 40 ain't too shabby either. In this economy, everyone needs support. However, it is times like these that I usually find myself supporting the underdog instead.
Such as The Gaslight Anthem. They have been my obsession of this month. Somethings you can't explain. Somethings are understood better with no words and left alone for one to make a decision of their own. To each person who listens, it's considered something different. With this band, I don't get a chance to choose. I get the best of both worlds. And that's exactly why I like them.
This summer
grant us all the power
Getting older only makes it harder to remember
we are our only saviors.
We're gonna build something this summer.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Days After No Future
But every now and then when I'm brushing my teeth I think about my dad's number one rule: It only counts if you brushed away to an entire song. Every night, after I had hopped in my onesies and combed out my hair, we'd put on a tape and brush until a song was over. Usually it was Chubby Checker, Elvis, or any Doo-Wop song. I think it's funny that most people think of the 1950's when you say Doo-Wop. I think of molars.
Sort of how when someone mentions snow, I think Star Wars. Every time we drove in the snow at night, my mom used to slow the car down then speed up so that the flakes would hit the car fast and turn into long white lines. She did this to pretend we were in that scene during A New Hope when the Millennium Falcon switched into light speed. The force is with her.
When I first moved away I tried making friends with people who reminded me of those I had left behind. It took me a long time to realize I had got it all wrong. Instead, I befriended those who made me feel the same way as they did.
Thank you to the dozen or so people who I started and ended my day with over the past week. It really says a lot about someone if they take you into their homes, but it says more about the people if they remind you of those back home, even it makes you think of doing "the twist."
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Please Say This Ain't So
I think the worst part about growing up is realizing you are not unique.
Yet we still search for different. Is it possible for different to run out? Is there a limited supply of different? And where can I get myself some of this different?
I didn't tune in for much of the Super Bowl because the Puppy Bowl had my heart, however I managed to catch the unlikely coupling of Bob Dylan and Will.I.Am (...and let's not forget about Gumby too) for a Pepsi ad. You know what? It worked for what it was: refreshing and bubbly, just like the pop. But some pairs should never even be considered. How this snuck past the drawing board still baffles me. There is a fine line between creative coupling and tasteless toiling with the past to make it the present. Double G not only walked the line, but crossed it too.
Tired of Dave Mathews and O.A.R. UCONN? Well, suck it in suck it in suck it in if you're Rin Tin Tin because here comes Asher Roth to spit it back out. What sets Asher Roth aside from other rappers? No, the answer's not because he's white. Asher Roth may be compared to Eminem but that's due to his voice sounding frighteningly similar- it certainly can't be his lyrics. If anything, he's emulating Vanilla Ice. Yes, the lyrics are that mind numbing.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fruit Covered Nails: A Few Words on "The Migratory Woodland Creatures of North America"
Deer tick, The deer tracks, The dear hunter, Deerhunter, Loney dear, Dear and the headlights, Deerhoof....
If you're a band that's still searching for a name, here's a hint. Don't use any variation of the word deer since it's likely already taken. Please. All this talk is making me bonkers. I'm gonna escape and listen to Caribou.
Oh damn it.
Bear jokes in 2009, (I'm sure studies will show), are just not as funny as they were in 2008. They're laughablity is declining. Still present mind you, but expoentially dwindling. We have to remember that bear jokes are not expendable. Americans abused their bear joke consumption in 2008 and the perilous effects are begining to show. If we don't act, now even Stephen Colbert won't have sustainable bear joke useage. Please save the bear jokes so they are not depleted by the time your children have children.
Animal Collective has a new album out? Just joshing you. But really, please say no more. I for one, am seeing Animal Collective live for two reasons and two reasons alone:
1) Just so I can tell my children I did so.
2) Bears.