Friday, December 12, 2008

In this day and age.....

It's that time of year again! The bells are ringing, people are singing, and the countless countdowns have begun. I might as join in the spirit.......

I started to make a list of my favorite album covers of the year followed by my favorite youtube music videos to watch late at night only to discover either that's already been thought up or it was like a slap of 80's goth in the face..... So I've retorted with:


Nobody sets the mood in a mundane 9-5 office cubical better than florescent lights and Genesis. Nobody.

Kids be good this Christmas or Santa will bring you coal--dplay. That's because people who enjoy Coldplay also partake in Tupperware parties and PTA meetings. Yup. Parents. I love my mother, but I don't want to rock to the same songs she does the dishes to.

3. MUSE:
Whenever Muse is brought up in conversation it usually incorporates phrases similar but not limited to: "Not that I listen to Muse, but have you heard..." or "I have this friend who listens to Muse and showed me...."
If you're a band that people feel they need to defend WHY they've listened/know who you are, that is not good.
If you're a band that some people know only as those guys who shoot laser guns on horseback, that is also not good. But that video IS an awesomely bad ass spoof. (Oh and my friend showed it to me, I promise!)

Stuck in line for buy-back at the co-op, I read the Rock 'n' Roll bible sitting on the shelf I was standing next to in order to somehow help pass the time. "The number one rule of naming your band is to not include the words good, great, excellent, or killer."
I first began wondering why was there this innate passion for hating The Killers when I went on a date with a guy and Somebody Told Me was all over the place. I mentioned how I kinda liked the song because it was catchy and the chorus sounded so late 70's. Then he goes, "I hate The Killers!" I was scared, yes scared, from checking them out further. That is, until this day in age, when I gave them a second chance......
....And now I do see why people hate The Killers. "I'm on my knees looking for the answer. Are we human? Or are we dancer?" Does Brendan Flowers like to pretend he's David Bowie's other alter ego? So right there I'm entitled to hating them because he wears his influences, that I love so very much, right on his sleeve.
But honestly, I don't hate The Killers. In fact not at all. If anything, I just won't respect Brendan Flowers. I want join in so badly but I love catchy glam and the 80's much too much. Oh and when Lou Reed was asked why he collaborated with The Killers he said, "I kinda like his voice." Really? YOU do!

I only know one Nickelback song: it's that Nickelback song that sounds like all the other Nickelback songs. Which is why I never met a fellow who likes Nickelback. We all must have heard that same song! And if by chance you do fancy them, it's like the flu; it's just not something you want to spread around.

Happy Holidays Friends :)

1 comment:

V is for... said...

write a new blog once in a while will ya?