Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Do You Feel About Pet Names? (8/6/08)

Plain and simple, I am a sucker for a superhero. DC or Marvel, they can shape shift my bat mobile any day. But I recently had a revelation. As much as they make my spidey sense tingle, I don’t think I could date any one of them, human or mutant …or other. You see, I think I’d have a major, major inferiority complex.

“So, What did you do today, my banana kitten?”

“Oh, freckle buns, ya know, I just stopped a double-decker bus from colliding with school children crossing the street using my force field, leapt several buildings in a single bound to burn off that Big Mac for lunch, then my laser eyes shot down a robber holding up the liquor store, all before I waterbreathed my way down to the bottom of duck pond lake to fetch ol’ Lady Havishman’s purse that fell in again…hrmmmph, the usual.”

I just can’t match up.

(Sorry The Thing, I know we had a thing).

So since its been recently drawn to my attention, I think I could fall easily for the average Joe Shmoe who sat down and called the shot on Starship Troopers 3 going straight to DVD….

You’re my very own superhero.

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