Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fruit Covered Nails: A Few Words on "The Migratory Woodland Creatures of North America"


Deer tick, The deer tracks, The dear hunter, Deerhunter, Loney dear, Dear and the headlights, Deerhoof....
If you're a band that's still searching for a name, here's a hint. Don't use any variation of the word deer since it's likely already taken. Please. All this talk is making me bonkers. I'm gonna escape and listen to Caribou.

Oh damn it.

Bear jokes in 2009, (I'm sure studies will show), are just not as funny as they were in 2008. They're laughablity is declining. Still present mind you, but expoentially dwindling. We have to remember that bear jokes are not expendable. Americans abused their bear joke consumption in 2008 and the perilous effects are begining to show. If we don't act, now even Stephen Colbert won't have sustainable bear joke useage. Please save the bear jokes so they are not depleted by the time your children have children.

Animal Collective has a new album out? Just joshing you. But really, please say no more. I for one, am seeing Animal Collective live for two reasons and two reasons alone:
1) Just so I can tell my children I did so.
2) Bears.

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